Download the official release for OpenOffice 3.2!
And here are the features. right. This will take a few posts but let's start talking. This isn't the complete list, see that above, but it's the stuff I'm excited about.
Faster startup times! Haven't tested but the graph looks great.

Some file support stuff: MS Office 2007 passwording is supported. That's a nice reassuring feature. Also 2007 pivot tables are supported.
- Password protected Microsoft Office XML files (supported
document types: MS Word 2007 documents (*.docx, *.docm); MS Word 2007
templates (*.dotx, *.dotm); MS Excel 2007 documents (*.xlsx, *.xlsm); MS
Excel 2007 binary documents (*.xlsb); MS Excel 2007 templates (*.xltx,
*.xltm); MS Powerpoint 2007 documents (*.pptx, *.pptm); MS Powerpoint
2007 templates (*.potx, *.potm)).
- OLE objects, form controls and pivot tables can now be read from
MS Excel 2007 documents (*.xlsx, *.xlsb).
And fonts galore are now available. "There are many high quality commercial and free OpenType fonts that are
based on Postscript outlines. They are now supported for formatting,
printing, PDF-export and display."
Love this. You know how you have 10.001 and you start incrementing and it goes to 11.001? Hah! Not anymore. "If the starting cell for AutoFill contains a number at the start and the
end, and there's no space after the first number, the number at the end is
now incremented. This allows easier creation of things like lists of IP
addresses ( is followed by" Note that 10.001 still goes to 11.001 as shown below.
And this is nice. The cell formats come with the numbers when you sort. "When a cell range is sorted using the "Sort Ascending" or "Sort
Descending" toolbar button, cell formats are now sorted with the
The info SAYS that you can copy and paste noncontiguous ranges of cells but I can't get it to work. "This feature extends Calc's current copy and paste functionality, to
allow copying of a set of multiple non-contiguous ranges. When pasted, all
copied data get consolidated into a single range either horizontally or
vertically. There are some restrictions when ranges are being copied, in
order to ensure that the pasted range become a rectangular