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February 18, 2010


I just wonder why a database need to be made from spreadsheet first? I know this happens but I wish it wouldn't. It seems that if some of your spreadsheet contains formula, it is any ones guess whether the final value ends up in the database and then on your final mail merged documents. It seems that some formula is not handled.

I might be wrong but I don't believe MS does this as you are able to select a spreadsheet xls/x as a data source and the first row becomes your tags. No matter what formula you have in the spreadsheet, the final value always ends up in the mail merged document.

So what does 'tools/merge document...' do when using spreadsheet.ods?

Hi Tim,

It's the same process as connecting to an Access database or any other external data source. You just need to make a little middleman file pointing to the data. It would be cool if there was internal logic that let you point directly from a document to a data source without the .odb file but, as setup steps go, it's pretty easy.

I'm afraid I don't see a Tools > Merge Document option.


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