I wanted to post a quick example of some key formatting, and show that the converting works pretty well.
Here's a document in OpenOffice. The graphic on the first page is inserted three times: anchored to paragraph with wrapping, anchored to paragraph without wrapping, and anchored AS CHARACTER which means it just flows in the text flow like any other character. As you see, all come through fine. (For more information on anchoring, see http://openoffice.blogs.com/openoffice/2009/01/how-to-insert-graphics-in-openoffice-writer-that-are-reasonably-manageable.html. )
And the Word version.
Here's the second page of the OpenOffice document, with various lists.
Here's the second page now in Word. Note that the graphical bullets didn't come through. They don't come through when I close and reopen the .doc file in OpenOffice Writer either; Word file format can't handle this kind of bullet graphic.
However, due to the huge ASCII options available, you can have any character non-graphical bullet that you like. To do that, format as bullets, then choose Format > Bullets and Numbering, Options tab, and make the selections shown.
Is it just my filtered network, or the second and third screenshots are missing? Btw, I like your posts about OpenOffice.
Posted by: bico | November 06, 2009 at 12:27 AM
Wow! Very indepth post! thank you!
Posted by: Werbemittel | December 17, 2009 at 03:13 AM