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September 30, 2009


Helpful info, tyhank you. Have been working with spreadsheets for years and didn't know this.



My name is Klaibson and I'm writing from Brazil.

I have a blog here in Brazil that addresses the issue BrOffice / OpenOffice, the www.brofficeparaleigos.blogspot.com

I am writing to you to propose a partnership, or an exchange of links, I disclosing your blog on my list and you disclosing your blog, que tal?

If you want to clarify any questions or to sign the partnership, please contact us.

Good weekend.

Is it possible to define a range of non-continuous cells? I'm trying with OO.org 3.1 and the method you are describing doesn¡t work for this type of ranges=

Is it possible to define a range of non-continuous cells? I'm trying with OO.org 3.1 and the method you are describing doesn't work for this type of ranges.

Not that I know of, fusero. It would be two ranges, or else you'd need to hide the intermediate cells first.

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