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July 16, 2009


Brilliant as usual Solveig. Should save a lot of time when putting letterhead graphics into a variety of different types of documents.

So what terrible thing happens if you DO select the anchor?

When you select the anchor, you only get the graphic and not the text along with it. So not dire, but not desired.

The Autocorrect option doesn't work for me (using OOo 3.1).
Tried using the method in the help but doesn't work either.
Typing 'sig'+ space just results in 'sig'
Tried 'eee' to be replaced with 'e acute' but didn't work either.
What does work however are the default entries in the replacement table!
Has my version of OOo have a bug? (Build 9399)

Tried using the method in the help but doesn't work either.

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