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March 19, 2009


Nice find! This seems to be the same for Writer and Impress and Draw in OOo 3.0.1.

I came across another variation, in which the "text" menu was grayed out on the Format menu and missing entirely on the right click context menu.


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Exactly what I was looking for! Thanks!


Thank you for this epiphany! I've been struggling, cursing, and wasting precious life energy looking for the cause of those greyed boxes for wrapping text inside shapes.

Thanks :) lifesafer

Thanks. Never seen it as a problem then it became one.... now I have the solution

Thank you very very much. Problem solved!

Now, if only this worked when multiple objects are selected...

Since I can't seem to enable this as default behavior for all objects, I figured I'd draw a flowchart and then highlight everything and turn on word wrapping. No go. The option is grayed out unless you have just one object selected.


I should put this in the blog post. You can change the properties of the Default graphic style by choosing Format > Styles and Formatting. Find the Default style, right-click and choose Modify, and in the Text tab select the option for wrapping, as described above. Click OK. Now all future objects IN THAT DOCUMENT will wrap without your having to modify them.

If you want to not have to do that in every document, make the style change then choose File > Templates > Save, and name the template, noting also the category which is probably My Templates. Click OK. Then chose File > Templates > Organize, open the category in that window, find the template you just created, right-click and choose Set as Default Template.

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