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January 13, 2009


Hey thanks for the quick write up... if only OpenOffice.org help had "Table of Contents" in it. It was the "Indexes and Tables->Indexes and Tables" that through me - not very self discoverable. Anyway, I appreciate the writeup.

Hi Darren -- yeah, terminology is off a little sometimes. It's only recently that the cell wrap option in Calc has the word "wrap" in it. ;>

You know, I really used to like open office...until I tried to do anything....I just cannot understand the styles stuff. It may be great if you're a computer person - but I'm not.

I have a table of contents and I only want it to work at TWO LEVELS. But I WILL NOT LET ME DO THAT.

I've got a really big deadline tomorrow and I wish I had never used this stupid programme.

You know, I really used to like open office...until I tried to do anything....I just cannot understand the styles stuff. It may be http://www.batterygoshop.co.uk/toshiba/satellite-a80-battery.htm toshiba satellite a80 battery , great if you're a computer person - but I'm not.

I have a table of contents and I only want it to work at TWO LEVELS. But I WILL NOT LET ME DO THAT.

Hello, thanks your the tutorial. Really helps me.

I have some question. How can I make the TOC item to link to the Chapter Page ?

Hi Darren - OpenOffice.org help index terms are always in plural. So, you have to look for "Tables of contents".


Table of contents is definitely a must-have in almost all the documents. Thus your blog has contributed in easing out the documentation. OpenOffice.org's this feature will help everyone to keep tab on the content throughout the document.

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