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October 02, 2008


A variation on your third option is to use the handy "text to columns" option available under the "Data" menu.

Just select the column, choose "Data » Text to columns", select "-" as the field separator and press OK.

Hi Hawkse,

Beautiful! I've been asked if this feature exists and I guess I didn't connect the menu item name with the functionality. (In Excel apparently it's under right-click.) Thanks!


Your answer to the how to search and replace in option #2 is actually quite easy.

In the Search Box:

In the Replace Box:

This will replace all lines starting with a digit only with a quote and the digit found in the search

Keep up the good work
Kevin Fries

Hi Solveig:

I found a big trouble using Calc. Look, i was managing a big database, it is heavy, more than 13MB. Well, i created other databases in the same file adding new sheets. After that, i tried to make some changes and for to do it easily, i went to Window > Divide, then i saved the file and all sheets disappeared!!!. Any suggestions???

Hi Pablo,

It's a database based on a spreadsheet, and now when you open the spreadsheet all the sheets disappeared? Did the disappearance take place when you view the datase or the spreadsheet itself?

I use a relatively simple solution to the multi-length ZIP code problem.

Before I start entering data, I select the column (or the appropriate cells), right click, select Format > Numbers, slide down to Text, OK. It doesn't hurt to set Alignment at Left, either.

The more important benefits of this approach are that:

you don't have to give an artificial "-0000" that may have to be searched for when making a pre-sorted mailing

you reduce unusual keyboarding of data, thus reducing possible errors in data

Incidentally, this problem doesn't crop up in Canadian and British postal codes.

Thanks for a truly informative blog!

Kevin, thanks for the regex for the s/r! Perfect.

"Your answer to the how to search and replace in option #2 is actually quite easy.

In the Search Box:

In the Replace Box:

This will replace all lines starting with a digit only with a quote and the digit found in the search."

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