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August 21, 2008


Where should I store OOo templates for use by multiple Vista accounts?

I keep client data in separate Vista accounts (formerly caller users--Microsoft is so great about consistency) and want to be see and use my wonderful new OOo templates in ALL of the client accounts. I especially want to use the invoice template!

A. Is there a default location for global templates (and for that matter, clip art and macros) in the OOo file structure or
B. Is there a recommended share location for global templates (and clip art, macros etc.) under Vista's torturous and obtuse structure?

Many thanks in advance.

Has anyone noticed that the template name becomes the document title? Surely (a) this not the desired behaviour and (b) was not the behaviour in 2.3 and before (seems to be the case in 2.4 and 3).

This means where you have a template that makes use of the document title it is pre-populated with a the template name instead of being either blank or in our case an instruction to the user to change it to the appropriate title.

Yeah, I was surprised at the filename/name/title functionality. I think the template becoming the title might have something to do with tracking the template a doc was based on but I could be wrong. I have a vague memory of it working that way for a while.


path : /opt/openoffice.org/basis3.0/share/template/de (Ooffice3.0, de=german)
BUT: ooffice needs addtitional groupuinames.xml because it apparentely uses some fancy virtual directorys structure (probably due to missunderstood internationalisation; yes, I may say this, I'm not english user ;-)

Anyway, the solution seems to be to create aditional templates in the userdirectory and copy them to the global directory afterwards:

$ soffice
File->Template->Administration -> New : "Our corporate Templates";
import Templates there

cp -R ~/.openoffice.org/3/user/template/Unnamed /opt/openoffice.org/basis3.0/share/template/de

cp -R ~/.openoffice.org/3/user/template/groupuinames.xml /opt/openoffice.org/basis3.0/share/template/de

rename Unnamed to "Our corporate Template" and edit groupuinames.xml

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