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July 21, 2008


what ever happened to the simple drop down list that you can enter in a cell after opening?

Hi Ray,

Here you go.


What is the syntax to reference a cell range from a different sheet?

I have a grocery list that has store items in Column C and the corresponding aisle locations in Column E. I have included a data validity function in the C column, so that I can use the drop down menu to choose the items for my grocery list and so I don't have to type in each thing that I want to purchase. Even cooler, is that when I choose something from the drop down list, I have a VLOOKUP function in Column E that tells me what aisle in the store that particular product is located in.
Here is my problem - Every time I open the grocery list spreadsheet up again, the source for my data validity field is gone - That is to say, that it doesn't seem to save. Instead, all I get in the drop down box is a 520 Error code, and for the life of me, I cannot figure out why the spreadsheet won't open up with my data validity fields intact and the way that I left them.
Can anyone help...??

Hello there
I´m trying to make a dropdownlist. I have made a list in sheet 2 and I´m trying to get info from one row in sheet 2 be selecting a name in colum a in sheet 2 to be listed in sheet 1(with all the info from row 25). The list is long maybe 1-500 or something.
Please help!!!

Hello there
I´m trying to make a dropdownlist. I have made a list in sheet 2 and I´m trying to get info from one row in sheet 2 be selecting a name in colum a in sheet 2 to be listed in sheet 1(with all the info from row 25). The list is long maybe 1-500 or something.
Please help!!!

I have been searching for the same thing, tried all kinds of ways to get Validity to work on sheet 3 using data I entered on sheet 1, so far no luck
This is a good program but I wish they had a tutorial on Validity and all
related to it. Any one have a clue? thanks for the help

Hello David,

Make sure that you are not saving your file with '.xls' extension.
Save it as '.ods'


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