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May 29, 2008


I just tried the 4 tips in:


and they don't work in 2.4.0. (That URL doesn't allow comments.)

Hi Alan,

I tested them recently with 2.0 on Windows but I'll try again.


Solveig, my bad. I just discovered that I neglected to click More Options and Regular Expressions, extra steps that are not intuitive to a Word user. Feel free to delete these comments.

I wonder if a macro can auto-generate this. Shouldn't be very hard and useful to make examns on the education.


Possibly -- I don't do macros but seems like it would be nice to be able to pull questions out of a database or text file.


Your work is very interesting.
When we (physics teacher team and I) tried to use this kind of test, with students, we found that an essential functionnality was missing in OOoImpress : possibility to go back to previous page (the page we came from).

So, we wrote an issue


I was surprised to see votes showing that few people considered this as important.

If this issue was solved, it would be easy to build a lot of quizes.

Fred Juan DIAZ


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