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May 08, 2008


Thank you for the informative post! I had stopped reading this site because the noise:content ratio was getting a bit high. Just today I decided to see if things had changed. I'm glad I checked. Keep up the great work. I'm submitting this post to StumbleUpon.

I read your post and it immediately answered a question I was about to research on your guidebook, so I was glad to see it. However, after following your instructions in OpenOffice.org 2.4 it resulted in adding a blank page immediately after the first page with Cover Page style, and before my second page, (which correctly displayed page #1 in the footer) with Main Page style.

Try as I may, I could not remove that blank page. Although it does not appear in normal view, it is visible in the preview and by looking at the total number of pages in the lower left side of the screen.

Except for this annoying albeit harmless quirk, it does the trick. However, it would be nice if unnecessary pages were not added. Any idea about what may be wrong?


Have you checked the following in your 2 page styles?

Page tab -> Page Layout

Make sure this is not "only left" or "only right." If it is, this will automatically insert blank pages into your document. Changing it to "right and left" should correct the problem.

Thanks for the suggestion, Nathan.

I did check and it is "right and left".

I tried it several times, within a template I made and with new documents based on the default template and it still inserts a blank page when I insert a manual break, and switch to the Main page style and re-start page numbers.

Any other ideas where I should look? Does anybody else have the same issue?

Great stuff.

This is just terrible. I spent over an hour trying to get footers and page numbers right. My document kept on changing the footer to including page numbers only on odd pages, and then suddenly the footer would appear on the cover sheet, and so forth. It seemed to have a mind of its own.

The way to acrobatically dodge this grotesque user-interface trap is to make sure you choose the 'next style' option when choosing your page style. Otherwise, the next page reverts to something you don't want.

I try to never use microsoft word, but I'm tempted to revert after this experience.

Hi John,

Page styles are definitely harder than they need to be. But they can be managed, either with Next Style (IF AND ONLY IF you just need to have the style applied to one page before it switches to the next style), or by choosing Insert > Manual Break and selecting the page style to switch to, whenever you want to switch from one page style to another. The latter is the more controllable, reliable approach.

Your page styles need to be set up the way you want them. In the header and the footer, look at the checkbox for "same content left-right." If it's not marked, then you need to put content on both sides. If you want content on both sides, then mark it.

The best thing to do if your document seems to be acting crazy is to delete any page breaks, then just start from the first page, apply the correct page style, then switch to the next one with Insert > Manual Break and select the page style to switch to, and so on.


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