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March 28, 2008


You're right. It is no Gimp. This is just a branding maneuver.

Check out Paint.net. Gimp.org. Free advertising for Photoshop? No thanks.

You know that when you want to use Photoshop Express, you have to sign that you have no rights for your pictures. Adobe can use them for whatever they want and you will not see a penny for this. Check out chapter eight of the contract. Therefore I will never use it and I stick with The GIMP (and Inkscape for vector graphics).

Whoops! That's what I get for trying to be "efficient" (aka lazy...). Good point. I just got an email about a similar type of program that makes you give up all your rights to training you post on their site. NOT something I'll be using. ;>

Adobe changed the terms of use. They do not have the exclusive rights to your pictures anymore. Check out paragraph 6 a) in their new license: https://www.photoshop.com/express/pxterms.html
I guess now it is OK to use it.

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