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March 27, 2008


For joining two tables, I find 'Merge Tables' easier than doing a copy - paste.

1. Delete any lines between the two tables.
2. Right click in either table and choose 'Merge Tables'.
3. Delete any unwanted rows (headings from the second table for example)

VERY useful post ! Thanks !

I have not been able to copy an OO chart to my blog so that it will "publish". I made a PDF and it copied very well (formatting was retained), but the chart did not publish. Any advice? Thanks.

Here's a best way to join two separate tables: just remove any space between 'em and then click with a right mouse button on the last row of the first table or on the first row of the second table. Click "Join tables" (actually i'm not sure if it's gonna be "Join tables" text coz I'm using russian version of OpenOffice but you got the idea, right?) and viola - both tables are joined together :)

Actually i'm a bit confused why there's no any version reference in this topic... Maybe it's all about 2.* version of OO but in 3.* you can join tables with ease using method described above.

How do you get past a table that is smack dab at the end of a document? I want to insert a new page after it, but it won't let me :(

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