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February 05, 2008


I agree with you, they have a lot of good stuff at Zoho. I especially like the Zoho Creator, a web based database application. Haven't seen anything like it elsewhere. I also wonder when Google Docs will have a database application.

Haven't checked the db out yet, but it's on the list.

I've been trying the Zoho meeting stuff out and I would love to use it but it's a little "beta" so far. It's multiplatform of course, though. Am hoping it will smooth out as it gets out of beta.


Excuse me, I have a question about OpenOffice.org Calc.

Is there any way to "link" a text file to a Calc spreadsheet, so that one could update his spreadsheet whenever the text file changes? This is of particular importance when you want to make Calc redraw your data each time you update the text file, e.g. each time you run your program (some C++ code) with a different set of parameters.

Thanks in advance

I compared Zoho Show with Google Docs (Presentations) and Google docs have an export to pdf function. That is good.

I've been a faithful StarOffice/OpenOffice user for a couple of years but I wonder if it's time to move my "office work" to the web?

Back again! Google docs just added the forms feature to spreadsheets. Read more at:http://googledocs.blogspot.com/2008/02/stop-sharing-spreadsheets-start.html

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