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January 17, 2008


I have used some of these tips and they worked pretty well for me. I am glad I stumbled onto this blog of yours.( http://www.centralpennbusiness.com/ )

I've been a lurker here for a bit and mostly it's very useful stuff, but I have to say that I disagree entirely with this tip.

OK, now that I've got that out of my system, let me be constructive.

You are assuming that the user is starting from the Title+Text template. My first recommendation to everyone producing slides is to always start with a blank template or at worst the one with title only. Add your own objects as you need them and don't be constrained by the list of layouts on the right hand side.

If you want a block of unnumbered text above a block that is numbered have two different blocks of text. Select numbering in one and not in the other.

I've been writing a few courses in Impress. My content improved dramatically when I discarded the defaults and set myself the challenge of "no bullet lists". I'm still working on making them better, which is one of the reasons I'm here.

ps: Thanks for a great blog.

Hi Bob,

Sounds like you've definitely been using Impress a lot! I see your point -- however, a lot of folks do have to use pre-existing templates -- corporate rules -- and don't have as much flexibility. You also lose the benefit of master page/background formatting since the master page doesn't affect text boxes. You can use styles for your text box content but that means applying the formatting each time, sometimes having to import the styles using File > Templates > Organize and Ctrl-dragging them one at a time, etc.

It's definitely workable to use text boxes but it's a different way of working.


I am used to working in indesign. God only knows why I‘m beeing asked to make a powerpoint presentation on types of print. I don't own a pc and I surely do not own a Microsoft office suite. But let‘s not dwell on that. From my experience with Ind, comes this question: Where is the 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.3 etc… option? Or even 1.a and so on. I know I can in Ind. So, how about Impress?

Hi Peter,

Irony noted!

Impress doesn't have the ability to have 1.1.1, 1.1.2, etc. -- just one level of numbering can be shown per line. (Writer has it, but Impress doesn't.)

To customize number formats (sometimes they're too small) choose Format > Bullets and Numbering, Customize tab, and edit the Relative Size field.

As i feared,

thanks nonetheless.

Nice blog btw.


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