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« Setting the default fonts for OpenOffice Writer | Main | Free Linux Ebooks »

January 07, 2008


I don't have the highlighting icon on my tool bar. What do I have to do to be able to see it--thus use it. Thanks

Hi Margaret,

Click and hold down on the small black triangle at the far right end of the toolbar and choose Visible Buttons. Anything without a checkmark by it can be added by selecting it.


Hi Solveig,
Thanks for getting back to me. When I go to Visible Buttons there is no paint brush there. Then I went to customize toolbars and it is not there either. I don't understand.
Thanks, Margaret

The paintbrush icon is actually on the top toolbar.

Hi Solveig

Is there some way to make text transparent rather than have a color?
thanks in advance.


My issue relates, but wasn't addressed directly in the blog.
When I want to type in a different font color, I have to type the sentence, highlight, and then change the color. Word allowed you to click on the font color icon and start typing in that color.

it's kind stupid mechanism or this is a bug in openoffice, I have black font in the document written by my boss and I want to add blue comments in the document. So I select blue font color and I'm writing in black. I have to select what I wrote and then select a color (WTF?). Does anyone know how to write in color I want in a fast way (one click at maximum probably)? ;)

I second (or would the be third) the comments by sly and Loryn; how do I set the color so that when I begin typing it comes up in that color?!

@Sly, not that if you write one word, then highlight and change the color, then begin typing *right after that* it will be in the new color. It's a very cumbersome workaround but it works.

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