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January 14, 2008


How can you modify OpenOffice Calc so that the + key on the keyboard can start the input of numbers rather than the = key?

Mikey: You can't modify it, but the next version has it built in.

Hi Huw,

Thanks! I appreciate your giving the answer. I know that's been something that's been brought up by transitioning users.


No bother, thanks for all the articles!

I notice your help links on the left of the main page don't link to the new OpenOffice forums at http://user.services.openoffice.org/

Just read the instructions above concerning the delete key in Calc and thought I'd give it a try. Not sure what version this refers to but in my version of Calc (2.2.1) the delete key does delete the contents and it's the backspace key that brings up the dialogue box.

BTW Thanks for a brilliant site :-)


Dave Le Huray

So, how can I get the Enter key to return to the beginning of the group of columns I just entered only one row down (as happens in Xcel)?


Hi Jim,

You can't do that per se but you do have some control under Tools > Options > Calc > General.

If you hit Enter (which takes you down one line by default without going under Tools > Options) and then press Home, that will take you all the way to the left of the new row. So you can get there with two keys.


Is there a way to split a cell at a specific insertion point in the cell?


Sorry Rob, no. You can split previously merged cells but not a plain cell. I've gotten this question a few times -- I'm not sure if it's on the list of features to vote on at OpenOffice.org's development site.


I'm trying to create a setup where:

Four different users are entering Data into four different Calc spreadsheets and

Management has a 'master' spreadsheet that will show various data from each of the User sheets. Data in the Management spreadsheet has to update automatically.

Is this possible?



If you copy from one spreadsheet, then choose Edit > paste special, and select the Link option, then any changes in the copied-from spreadsheet will show up in the copied-to spreadsheet.


My Nmae is Tarun,
Before i was work in MS Office. but now i m working in Opne office. I have 20 MB calc file and this file take time for open 7 to 8 Minits so give me the solution...

Thanks for this - I did it before on OO 2.4 but forgot about it then it was lost when I upgraded to 3.0. Another minor annoyance...

Oh pooh, I had hoped that they would have switched that in 3.0.

Hello Solveig,

SHIFT + Delete is also an option in Calc to delete all cell content immediately. It avoids the usage of the Backspace button (and with it the confusion). This keyboard shortcut is readily available in Calc. I teach this feature when I'm giving OOo courses.

Kind regards

Thanks a lot. It helped me a lot. Otherwise I was really getting frustrated by this Delete dialogue box.

Thank you!!!! I always avoided using Calc because I hated having to confirm everytime I wanted to delete something. I didn't even know backspace was different than delete. And I couldn't figure out how to turn it off since I was looking under options. Who knew there was a second options menu called customize?

Thank you sincerely for "correcting" what I consider a "flaw" in Open Office.

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