The Autofilter is a quick way to restrict what you're looking for. If you need some more flexibility, though, you need to move on to the Standard filter or the Advanced filter.
Maybe you have people from 12 states and you want to see the ones from Ohio OR Montana OR New Jersey. Or you want to see people with five or more years of service. Or you want to see anyone with more than three overdue library books who is also from Denver, because you're traveling to Denver and you want to drop by their houses and scare the heck out of them in person.
These are a challenge for the AutoFilter, so you move on.
Here's how to use the Standard Filter. Let's say you've got this data.
Click somewhere in the data and choose Data > Filter > Standard Filter.
In the window, enter your data. Note that any ORs will open up the results more than you might expect. Here's a filter. Either from MT or OR, and with 5 or more years of service.
Here are the corresponding results. Note the person from MT with only 1 year of service, but there's no one from OR with fewer than 5 years of service. The logic is
"anyone from Montana"
"anyone from Oregon who also has 5 or more years of service."
As with the AutoFilter, you need to click in the filter results to take away the filter. If you don't click in the filter results, as shown, the Remove Filter option is dimmed.
Click in the filter results, as shown, and choose Data > Filter > Remove Filter to get rid of the standard filter.