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November 19, 2007


In case I do not require all the fields, how do I get only the required fields?
This is possible in Excel. Can some one help?

Hi TT Raja,

In that case you'd want to use the Data Pilot which lets you both filter and restrict the fields.

OK, I misstype my name once and it keeps saving the misspelling. Just redoing it. ;>

In case I do not require all the fields, how do I get only the required fields? This is possible in Excel. Can some one help?

Great tutorial.

It must be advertised that the 'Advanced' Filter cannot handle more than 8 criteria.

I have a file with about 500 records and I need to filter for about 25 of them using just one field. Everything works fine up to 8 criteria. Then Calc claims there is an error in the criteria!

What it should say is "I cannot count beyond 8".

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