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October 29, 2007


Certainly, this looks like a great extension, but for the life of me, I cannot get the Add Field palette to come up.

No matter what I select for the source (table or query), the Add Field icon, and the Add Field menu item in the View menu are greyed out.

Hi Klaas,

That's what happened to me first several times. I'm not sure if it's the same issue -- you have to pretty much not do anything before selecting tables and fields, or else the options go away.

Maybe try setting up a different type of table....a native one instead of a spreadsheet-based one, or vice versa? Or that old favorite, restart.


Thanks Solveig,

I've tried a number of permutations with a small native table, including both registered and unregistered, and trying the Insert report first thing after opening the database file, and making sure I had the table selected first, etc, etc.

No luck so far. I'll keep messing with it, but it doesn't look promising.

After ignoring this for a couple of weeks, finally figured out what the story is.

When you start the Report Builder, there is a panel on the right hand side, with a tab called Data. You have to explicitly state which data source (table or querie) that you want to use - after that, the palette is always accessible.

So it was just operator error, in that I couldn't see the forest for the trees

If you go to the report navigator and click on the top level ("Report"), you can reselect your data source.

What I'd like is an explanation of how to do a simple conditional printing function.

I figured out some things about conditional print expressions. They do work, but...

The main problem I see with these is that they don't seem to be saved with the report.

Hi Tom,

I would, too! ;> I haven't had time to work on the report builder more intensely and it's not something I find obvious.


If you simply click on the grey background to the side/bottom of the report sections, it "selects" the report and you then have a "Data" tab in the properties pane which you can set the data source from. This should open up the ability to add fields.

Excellent! Thank you.


I tryied extension - and i have two problems:
1. Why report header is after page header and page footer after report footer?
2. One of my fields contains long text - 5 to 6 lines on report - field is split between pages. Is possible do not split row of report between pages?

After creating a small database, I used "Report Builder to make a report. The Time Field in the database shows the correct time but only shows time as being AM, never PM. Using the Wizard to make a report the time field reports properly. Any ideas?

I just entered a new record into the database and the AM/PM is now working properly. Only the original 4 records are reporting AM instead of PM like is shown in the Table I am reporting from. I don't know what happened.

I hate to beat a dead horse but this thing is driving me nuts. It appears that the report is okay from 12:00PM until 12:59PM Starting at 1:00PM and after it reports out as AM so it only reports properly from 12 noon until 12:59PM. After that the report always give me AM.


Sorry, but I haven't gotten the hang of it yet. there might be a site where you downloaded the extension, where you can report bugs.

IT'S Save My LIFE!

What is the syntax for the function REPT in ReportBuilder.
see http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Base/Reports/Functions

I want to count the number of occurances of a word in a column of data.
In this case the field is type and the word being researched is PL.


This does not work...any ideas...

Hi John,

Sorry, I still haven't gotten into the Sun report builder tool. Try oooforum.org or maybe a Sun site?


I have built a report using SRB in hope that I could place in the report 1-3 Images whose urls are stored in the Database for each record. Any suggestions on how to do that?

I've trying to join multiple fields in one function, but it doesn´t work.

These fields such ADDRESS, PHONE, CITY. I need to place into my reporter as an only one function.

I'll appreciate your help.

Hi Gustavo,

I'm afraid I haven't worked with it yet except doing some layout. Perhaps the oooforum.org site would have some info.

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I am trying to design a report using Sun Report Builder 1.1.0 in OpenOffice 3.1.1 in Ubuntu 9.04. Things are going well as far as the design is concerned, and I'm able to save my report, and it shows up in the list of reports in Base...but I can't open them up again to continue work. I receive the error of "The document "EvaluationReport" could not be opened." with the additional detail of: "SQL Status: S1000". Any ideas? Thanks,

I need to create a report with mugshots "photos". I would like to have 6 photos per a page. I guess it would be like adding columns, but I can't find where I can add them. I know that in the report wizard theres options, but you can't use photos and in SRB you can, you can't have multi columns.

Please Help

Thank you world wide web


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