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October 23, 2007



Your blog is very useful.
There is some problem if I translate your post to the Spanish in my blog?.



Hi Rodrigo,

Thanks! No problem with translation as long as you link to the original entry.


Hi' nice blog.
Do you know Is there is compatibility white MS DOCX ?

Hi Dov,

I was just exchanging emails with someone who said that they had problems before with docx but now it's working fine with 2.3.


Can you give an update about the Docx issue when you will know ?

Hi Solveig I made a presentation for OOo 2.3 that has also generated great demand. I put it around 1 week ago and it already generated around 3656 views.

Unfortunately is in spanish but maybe it will inspire you to do something similar:

A note on the new Justify settings.
The new setting is there, it's just worded in a strange way. The last line that starts with "Expand word space..." is what you need to uncheck to avoid justifying lines with manual breaks.

With Ubuntu Hardy Heron, I am trying to print a spreadsheet which has always printed before. Now I get the error message "There is nothing to print. Selected page range or sheet is empty". However it printed a beautiful test page, very colorful! Why is this thing being so stubborn - I thought Ubuntu was supposed to be very intuitive?

Hi Charles,

that's odd! I would try Format > Print Ranges > Remove or > Edit and see if a print range got slapped on. Also try Format > Cells, Cell Protection tab, and see if Hide When Printing got turned on.

With MS Office Excel, we can send our selected range of cells as message body in our e-mail. Is this method possible with Oo.Calc. One more question is, I changed the cell format in Oo.Calc as dd-mm-yy(User Defined), but most of my sheets needed to type 07-15-08 instead of 15-07-08.

Expecting a favourable reply.


Ashok Marar

I have the same question as Ashok. I was wondering if it is possible to send the active worksheet as message body in an email, using Evolution preferrably.
Kind regards!

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