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August 13, 2007


Well, Thanks for the pointers BUT....
OO 2.1 in writer NEW has no option for envelope/s. None.

Hi Al,

There has never been a File > New > Envelope option; I agree that that would be more logical but that's not how you create an envelope. Choose Insert > Envelope.

You can choose File > New > Text Document and then choose Format > Page and specify Envelope as the page size.



This is very informative and helpful article.
It provides the full tutorial to Printing Envelopes in OpenOffice.org. I suggest it as a best resource.

Awesome, I went to the link that you had. And it's amazing, in 2008 I find this information still valuable. I had no problems with it, as I have fought with this type of thing in the past. - I got it right the first time. Didn't even waste an envelope.

Again, Thanks!

Hi Randy,

I'm glad it was helpful! If you use Linux you might also want to look at Glabels; it doesn't have an envelope format but you can create a custom size and envelope is one of the page sizes to choose from when you create a custom size.

There has never been a File > New > Envelope option; I agree that that would be more logical but that's not how you create an envelope. Choose Insert > Envelope. You can choose File > New > Text Document and then choose Format > Page and specify Envelope as the page size.

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