I'm exploring a few ideas for multimedia, including video recordings and audio-0nly podcasts. Are there any audio-only podcast ideas you'd like to suggest, or do you think pretty much just the video would be best?
I've inserted a sample file just to get started as I work my way through learning the podcast process on Typepad.com. There are a few squeaks in the audio; something else to work on. Download pocastintro2.mp3
I've also just recorded a three-part test podcast of how to create a simple mail merge, so I'll be posting that soon as well.
Sorry, Solveig - dead link!
Posted by: Mike Farley | August 19, 2007 at 04:52 PM
Man, not sure what happened there. It's good now, thanks.
Posted by: Solveig | August 19, 2007 at 05:04 PM
I can see where your subject could be well suited to video, but please don't slight the audio format.
As well as tips and tricks to OOo, I would be interested in news and information about how OOo is being used and integrated into businesses. It would not need to be a long show if you could provide show notes that would point us to full stories and if you have a tip that needs video, or pictures you could point us there through the show notes.
I will subscribe as soon as you tell me where to sign up.
(Move a bit closer to the mic, that will help with your audio fullness and try to get an external mic. That sounded like a mic on a laptop which is why you have all the other noise in there.)
Posted by: DPeach | August 19, 2007 at 09:29 PM
I am an avid listener to podcasts and vidcasts. This are some of the solutions:
- Libsyn
Premier company to host podcasts, is easy to set up have stablish plugins with wordpress and others and provide also it's own portal to host the mp3.
Cons: Not very OGG friendly.
- Talkshoe
Talkshoe is great if you want to take live calls and listeners can either listen on talkshoe or call you up during live broadcast.
Cons: Somewhat Windows exclusively. Have heard problems on publishing mp3s (time wise) and support is also not inmediate.
- Podshow, BluBrry, EarthMusicNetwork, PodcastPickle.
Networks are good way to republish your work which can make your podcast more popular.
Cons: You loose control who is listening where.
- Podtrack
Great solution to track your listeners and even get some analytics on them.
- Stickam and UStream
Great way to republish and record your shows, take chats and even communicate with users via other channels. I think this is a great solution.
Cons: Bandwith intensive since is video, and you share the bandwith with other broadcasters.
- Get a microphone that do encoding to digital on the microphone (avoid analog signal to get on the laptop/desktop).
- Gizmo to record conversations or Skype Pro with Skypecasts.
- Get a mixer in order to balance the different quality.
- Digital recorder to do 'on the field' recordings.
Posted by: JZA | August 19, 2007 at 09:47 PM
Hi Dpeach,
Thanks for the help! I did have the mike on a laptop; I cannot yet, in the name of all that is holy, bully my desktop into recording. I'll need to create a better place for the recording.
Thanks for the ideas on what to do for audio.
Posted by: Solveig | August 23, 2007 at 06:45 AM
Wow!! That is a host of info. Thank you so much, I'm grateful for your help and comments.
Posted by: Solveig | August 23, 2007 at 06:46 AM
hi Solveig
You can chack some ideas for your page, from this page.
Best Regards from Mexico
Posted by: Ramon | September 04, 2007 at 09:34 AM
Hi Ramon,
Thanks! I appreciate the tip.
Posted by: Solveig | September 12, 2007 at 03:17 PM