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August 23, 2007



Congratulations and thank you for everything I've learned from you!

I trust you, i visit this Blog some many times all day because i very good Blog, i haved a placer to meet you in the Expo LinuxWorld in San Francisco, where you give me blog address. (Sorry about my English isńot very good :) ) Good look

¡Felicidades!, as we say in Spanish.

Thanks, everyone!

Great congrats. I thnk your blog is a great example of giving readers what they need!

Your blog is very attractive and easy to read. What I like is that you put images, with jokes, on each post.
Plus your tips are useful.

Hi Sarah,

Thanks! I appreciate your coming by.


Giggle, I watch my blog stats too...even have them on my desktop widgets now!

Thanks for your suggestions on my blog..I will keep playing with these cool new tools. I think this is great that you have resources here for users.

Congratulations, you worth much more.

There's an implied 'are' in my previous post.

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