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July 11, 2007


I like to use this one, "Open source softwares are like knowledge. When knowledge should be free to spread and free to use, so do open source softwares. Keeping it open to everybody is the way we improve the knowledge shared by human beings. This also should be the way we improve the softwares used by human beings." After all, one will not ask "why should knowledge be free?" Well, it should be (and it'd better be). Thought the tuition of getting a diploma is another thing. :)

Hi Peter,

I like that -- knowledge should be free, but if you want a big ol' certified diploma (or extra software services/products) then you should be willing to pay for that extra value.


I'm a programmer myself and I really enjoy doing some open source hacking in my free time. Its the problem solving and working in my own pace (most companies force you to solve boring or stupid problems in your dayjob).
But most of all its the appreciation you get from people. Its like you helping out the handicapped on their day out[1]. Very satisfying in itself. But instead of "only" getting happy faces from the ones you help, you get a million more people that are happy via the internet.

Anyway; you seem to be concluding some stuff that Eric von Hippel wrote about in his excellent book "Democratizing Innovation". Worth a read (download the PDF or buy it)

1) no, there is no analogy in this example.

Hi Thomas,

True, there really isn't that much appreciation in modern standard software development, is there? Perhaps in the ideal well funded well run startup, but not in the standard cube farm.

I appreciate the freedom to simply just dig in and write books and training materials exactly as I think they would work best.

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