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July 19, 2007


Interesting, althought I just went on my Linux OOo and did the INFO("osversion") and got Windows NT..

I wonder if this is defaulted on the compilation source or is just a bug.

Thanks for the recommendation. :)

Keep up the good work with your own site. You're an inspiration to the rest of us!

Hi All,

I am working on Openoffice.org - Calc. Can anybody help me to covert amount
numbers into Words for example : Rupees 4,00,00,000.50 to Rupees Four crores
& Paise fifty only? I need to print amount
amount in numbers and in words both in a customized report.
Shall remain ever greatfull to ur goodselves for rendring the help
Lot of thanks in Advance
Thanx & Regards
H Srinivas

write a c-program. That's a way too easier than trying to use the calc.

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