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July 09, 2007



You can also use the shortcut ctrl + 1 for heading one, ctrl + 2 for heading 2 and ctrl + 3 for heading 3.

Hi, Solveig. While I've not used it, it sounds as if you're in the market for PawSense (http://www.bitboost.com/pawsense/). No, I don't get anything for recommending it; it's just that I think that software that claims to understand cats is worth a look. :-)

Ever since they closed My Favorite Goat Leg at the megamall, I've been wondering where to find great goat leg.

Hi deebat,

Wasn't it My Favorite Leg? Or maybe there are specialized chains around the US specializing in goat, lamb, sacrificial, etc.

Hi Bill,

You know, I think I saw this on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. Or heard about it.

I wonder what sounds cats find annoying, besides the vacuum cleaner?


Hi Peter,

Thank you, I always neglect to mention the shortcuts. (I'm so mouse-driven. Like a cat.)


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