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June 21, 2007


Interesting. I can think of many times, in large docs, where this would have saved a lot of paging-down.

I've found, having been off MS Office for just shy of 3 years, that it does all of the things I need it to do. In other words, I don't miss any functionality from M$Office.

I think so many others could benefit as well.

That's don't work's in Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 . I was created a file with Bookmark's with OpenOffice.org 2.0.2 but bookmark's don't work's in Adobe reader... please help

http://www.batterygoshop.co.uk/batterycharger/asus/asus-19v-3.42a-65w.htm asus A3 19v 3.42A 65w 5.5mm*2.5mm adapter ,

I've found, having been off MS Office for just shy of 3 years, that it does all of the things I need it to do. In other words, I don't miss any functionality from M$Office.

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