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May 03, 2007


What is hat?!

Note that sometimes the Table Data toolbar (the one with the Data to Fields icon) doesn't appear. Unfortunately there does not seem to be any way to turn it back on from within the program. In order to make it reappear, you have to rename the user directory. This is a drastic solution, as you lose a lot of other preferences. I use NeoOffice, a Mac port/fork of OpenOffice.org, and I was able to trace the problem down to the registry folder within the user folder/directory.

Because of this, users should be warned never to close the Table Data Toolbar.

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This is a drastic solution, as you lose a lot of other preferences. I use NeoOffice, a Mac port/fork of OpenOffice.org, and I was able to trace the problem down to the registry folder within the user folder/directory.

This is a drastic solution, as you lose a lot of other preferences. I use NeoOffice, a Mac port/fork of OpenOffice.org, and I was able to trace the problem down to the registry folder within the user folder/directory.

I am trying to print labels from my Open Office database. I have followed these directions and they work great; however, I get only one page of labels. I have 130 names to print onto labels. How do I get the rest of the names from the database onto the labels?

I use a Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop as my main computer. It is a great machine, although quite heavy. This FAQ gives you all the information you need to know about maintaining the machine.

This is a drastic solution, as you lose a lot of other preferences.

DFO Gold in the game you may or may not notice. I know vitality is very tempting in Dungeon Fighter Online Gold. You may be feeling intelligence in Dungeon Fighter Gold. You are going to be getting crab pincers which like buy DFO Gold, depending on which server you are on.

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