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May 18, 2007


I'm having a page break problem that I can't solve using the information here. I inserted a new worksheet and created a table with data, formulas, etc. Under View>Normal, it looks normal. Under View>Page Break Preview, there are no page breaks and the background is completely grey, as when looking at sheets with page breaks, the area outside of the page. In a nutshell, I can't seem to get the program to allow me to insert a page break. So I have all of this information, and when I try to do a print preview, I can't even look at the page as the program doesn't recognize that there's anything on the page. Trying Insert>Manual Break>Column Break doesn't work either (the "column break" icon stays light grey and I can't click on it). Thanks for your help.

Hi Christophe,

Sounds weird! Try seeing if you've got any page ranges setup? Choose Format > Print Ranges > Edit.


Thanks, that worked. I went to Format>Print Ranges>Edit and selected "user defined" and that gave me the page break and the option to move it around as needed. I'm not sure why newly inserted sheets default to no page, but at least I now know how to create a page. Thanks again.

thanks, that helped me too.

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