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April 23, 2007


You need to have 'options - Openoffice.org - General - Help -Tips checkbox checked to see the notes'. I do not have the option on notes when I right click on a cell. However, when select deleting content, notes is one of the options.

In my release 2.2.0 on Windows XP, I had a bit of trouble using the Notes features.

First of all, when using Insert Note, the size of the text box is set to hold only about 20 characters. The note size does not appear to adjust reliably--it tries to add a new line, but really chops out characters and makes trash of my notes. So I just enter a few characters, then exit the note by clicking on another cell. Then I go back in to add the rest of the note in a second pass.

There is apparently no "Edit Note" option in OpenOffice, so I toggle the "Show Note" option on the right-click menu of the host cell.

Then I single-click on the note and resize it. The text usually disappears at that point, but it is not lost.

I then double-click on the note to get into edit mode. Most of the time, all the text is already invisible or disappears at that point, showing only as blank spaces. So I use CTRL-A to select all the invisible text, then CTRL-X to cut it, then CTRL-V to paste it back into the note, which causes the note to redisplay. I can then add the rest of the note or make changes. When I'm done, I click on another cell to exit the note, then right-click on the host cell again and toggle the "Show Note" option to put the note back into "rollover" mode.

Voila--I'm done! Easy, simple, and fun.

I'm getting stuck on showing all notes at once -- I have a document with a lot of notes and it took me a while to sort out that I needed to say "show note" if I want them to be always visible.

Any tips there?


Question : When I want see the note typed I could not see it nearby the cell it showing somewhere else. How to make show nearby cell

Nice post.

why graph will not display after reopening the worksheet in open officedoc. org?

How can we fix the position of the note just nearby the corresponding cell if we save the file with the ods format ? It is easily occurred that we reopen an ods file and the position of a note will go far away the position of the corresponding cell. The version of OOo that I use is 3.1. I have googled this problem for some time but in vain. Please help to check if there is any solution available. Thank you for your attention.

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