Anytime you can help users do something without actually have them do anything is great for them and great for you.
Templates are a great way to save time. Set up templates with the styles, graphics, etc. that people need, and they don't need to re-create them. (Or create them in the first place.)
However, getting users to use the templates is another step. For them, choosing File > New > Templates and Documents might not be something they'll want to do or remember to do every time.
What if one of the templates you've created is one that many or all users use all the time as the basis for new documents? You can make it come up when users just choose File > New > [type of document] by setting it as the default template. I.e. the user uses the template but doesn't even need to select it.
First, create a new document and make it how you want it: create styles, apply styles, include canned text, whatever.
Choose File > Templates > Save. Select a category and name the template. Click OK.
Choose File > Templates > Organize.
Open the category your template is in, in the left side.
Right-click on the template and choose Set as Default Template.
Click Close. You're done! Choose File > New > [type of document] and you'll see the effect.
To switch back to the normal original boring blank document, repeat the steps but this time choose Reset Default Template > [type of document]