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March 30, 2007


What if you checked the box for 'Do not show this warning again' in the 'Do you want to print a form letter?' window before reading this article? Can I salvage my settings to be able to to use this option when printing the page? Thanks for the article and for your help.

Hi Jeff,

there's a solution here.


Also, you can install the latest version of OOo which doesn't have that checkbox at all (and doesn't need it).


I read your suggestions for making a template to print out envelopes, followed your directions and IT WORKED! THE FIRST TIME NO LESS! You're SOMEKINDA genius of modern science! Thanks!

If I had not found your instructions I believe I never would have figured out how to print an envelope from Open Office. Why do they make it so difficult when you make it so easy! Thank you for the step by step picture instructions.

It is very lovely article and informative. Thanks for sharing beautiful entry.


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