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February 02, 2007


Wow, that has to be annoying.

One of the other annoying problems I have had is submitting bug reports. I hope someone reading this will be able to get a bug report submitted (if you have not already). I tried to figure out the bug reporting system once since I was involved in VERY early versions of OOo. It was so confusing for me that I ended up never submitting a bug report though I have encountered several along the way. Here's to hoping you do better than me.

One of the other annoying problems I have had is submitting bug reports. I hope someone reading this will be able to get a bug report submitted (if you have not already). http://www.batterygoshop.co.uk/apple/a1185.htm NEW Hi-Cap 5500mAh Battery for MacBook 13 A1185 WHITE ,

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