For various reasons, I suddenly bought a new HP Pavilion laptop last week ($800 down to $650!). One key reason was that I couldn't keep my old laptop going on AC, even with valiant attempts to duct-tape the cord to the computer hard enough or at the right angle to keep the juice going.
So I'm the proud yet somewhat abashed owner of a slick new Vista-running laptop, with wireless internet (yay!) and various other features that weren't on my laptop that I bought in 2002.
Vista -- well, it certainly seems attractive. Kind of a Macintosh look to the graphics. And lots of helpful things pop up so I'm sure that the OS is easier for some people. Frankly, I was expecting more of a dramatic difference given all the emotional pants-wetting that was going on.
Anyway, the main point is that the first thing I did once everything was set up for the OS was to download OOo 2.1. It installed slick and runs fine.
Now have SUSE, UBUNTU, XP, and Vista in the house. (What does it mean if I have more operating systems than cats? Not by much, granted. I guess I'd rather have that ratio remain on the side of the operating systems.)
Of course, the big issue is, what's MS Office 2007 like? I haven't activated my free trial yet but I will be SURE to let you know what I think of it when I do. ;>