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November 06, 2006



I use the exact procedure above to analyse some sales figures in a DataPilot. Data is extracted from an Oracle database via ODBC.

The problem is that it works painfully slow, compared to Excel 2003's Pivot Table (it takes a few secomds on Excel, more than one minute In OpenOffice.org).

Can you please suggest a way to speed up things ? Or am I missing something ? In using the latest OpenOffice.org release, 2.1...


I have heard that Openoffice is still working on the optimization of the product. They are aware of the slowness.

I have a database in OOo's Base with about 13000 rows and it takes ages for retrieving the fields. Another thing is that the CPU is busy at 100% for a long period (until it shows the fields on the DataPilot's wizard). I'm using OOo 2.4.1. Any help, tip, trick or idea to improve the connection between Calc and Base?

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