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October 12, 2006



When a dependent is on another sheet, trace shows a line connected to a diamond. I can't seem to click on it. How can I follow the trace to the other sheet?

does trace precedents / dependents also work on values linked from different workbooks / different files ? In MS-Excel it opens the linked file, but in OpenOffice I see a blue box ended arrow, instead of a regular arrow.

sincerely appreciate your help and information on workarounds / macro extension or support if any.

thank you,


Hi Aman,

It sure doesn't seem to be very useful for references that aren't in the same sheet. And the box at the end of the arrow gives no clues, basically just "this came from another sheet" is all the info you get.

That would be a lovely feature for the next release! (And I tested with 3.0 so no hope there.)

I don't know of any extensions now but extensions.openoffice.org seems to have new stuff added every day.

The company I work for create and market computer workbooks for students, which I am now converting from Microsoft Vista to Open Office.
I have a Microsoft spreadsheet with two values showing as #VALUE! however when it is converted to OOo, it is simply shownig as $0.00. So when I try to apply trace errors it is not picked up.
What is the error messgae OOo should say in a cell?
Any and all help appreciated!
Also, I have searched for a Calc manual, but cannot find one, is there one available?

Thank you

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