Vote for adding a wizard to import data into Base
Utility to export CSV from Base
I swear, my shift and matching pumps are getting a little worn out with all this detective work.
I've written an article for TechTarget about how to get data out of one database, such as Access, into an OpenOffice database table. Not exactly obvious, but easy. You just need to know what to do. (And I'm pleased to say that my mantra, "When in doubt, right-click," does apply here. ;> )
(You can of course just type from scratch but when you've got 50,000 records of census data, for instance, that's kind of impractical.)
Vote for adding a wizard to import data into Base
Utility to export CSV from Base
Posted by: Andrew Z | October 23, 2006 at 11:28 AM
Great! Thank you for adding the vote links.
Posted by: Solveig Haugland | October 26, 2006 at 09:05 AM