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August 04, 2006


Greate (re)-post Solveig!

This might be the solution for the crowd of Frontpage lovers, who love the program for its simplicity. They need a new home, once they find out Frontpage is going to be discontinued.



Hi Kaj,

Thanks, I'm glad it seems like a good solution.

That's an idea for an article -- maybe I'll take a look at FrontPage (I think I have a version that's not too ancient) and provide some alternatives, at least for the web design aspect if not the server stuff.

In order to create a site that is usable with many pages that are both static and dynamic, it is appropriate to use Template designs in Dreamweaver. These will help facilitate the need to make site wide changes driven by the templates, without having to update each page indiviudally for any changes that are made.
You can see similar templates on httP://www.free-dreamweaver-templates.org.
The problem I am facing.. (I am sure it is a dreamweaver one, but wish to know if others have had the same problem and resolved it) is that when an MT URL code is placed in the page and a NEW page is created from that, because the NEW page is being created from the template, Dreamweaver rules change the code to one that is html comlient.

In order to create a site that is usable with many pages that are both static and dynamic, it is appropriate to use Template designs in Dreamweaver. These will help facilitate the need to make site wide changes driven by the templates, without having to update each page indiviudally for any changes that are made.
You can see similar templates on httP://www.free-dreamweaver-templates.org.
The problem I am facing.. (I am sure it is a dreamweaver one, but wish to know if others have had the same problem and resolved it) is that when an MT URL code is placed in the page and a NEW page is created from that, because the NEW page is being created from the template, Dreamweaver rules change the code to one that is html comlient.

Excellent post ! I'm subscribing to your feed so I can make sure I catch more

good post and good blog !!

thanks to those pretty cool advice

I'm a huge fan of Open Office and I really like this blog. Clean and professional design makes this website eas yto use.

Excellent post. It is really interesting. thank you for the posting. creating a web design is a very cool.


thanks for sharing~it is helpful for me~

Looks like it gets the job done for DIYers

Nice tutorial. Thank for the tutorial.

Great tips. We used a few to design our web site.


Beautiful! Thanks for the interesting post

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