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August 14, 2006


About "Press Enter to Switch to Edit Mode": You can use F2 anytime to enter edit mode (like in Excel).

Aha! Excellent tip, thank you Sessy.

"About "Press Enter to Switch to Edit Mode": You can use F2 anytime to enter edit mode (like in Excel)."

It would be nice if one could use a shortcut to show formulas instead of computed values in cells. Having to change the options in the menu to do this is cumbersome. Any way to do this with a keyboard shortcut?

Hi DenisMx,

I have looked through the options under Tools > Customize and it's all about just finding the right option called Show Formulas in there somewhere. Unfortunately I don't think the Tools > Options are there. I tried recording macros and attaching them to keys but the keys didn't work (I'm not a macro expert). Possibly that much navigation doesn't work in macros.


CTRL+` (that's the tilde key) toggles showing formulas

Is there any way to have the openoffice spreadsheet selection box move down, and left to the first column when I hit enter, like excel seems to do.

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