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July 03, 2006


From Acrobat, you can also press Ctrl-L to enter presentation mode. Your slides will now cover the entire screen just as they would when using OOo or PP. Cursor keys (or mouse clicks) navigate the slides as you normally would.

Hi Amos,

>> From Acrobat, you can also press Ctrl-L to enter presentation mode.

Excellent tip! Thank you. I'm more of a mouser than a keyboard person so keyboard tips are always great to hear.


and i have some animation in the same page, the pdf will not be with a different page for each animation BUT a superposition of these different animation in the same page, it convert one page one PDF page but don't one step.
Do you have a idea to do that ?
tahnks you by advance

one PDF page step

Hi Ioul,

"the pdf will not be with a different page for each animation "

PDF isn't animation friendly, I'm afraid. But for standard animation-less presentations, it's nice.


I personally also export an SWF (Flash) slide pres. Both PDF & SWF are small. :)

Please note that OpenOffice isn't the only application with PDF output support. AbiWord (and all other gnomeprint-using applications) has support for PDF export through the print dialog on all linux/unixy platforms. In addition, it supports the standard print mechanism that includes PDF export on Mac OS X, and it works great with PDF Creator, a free program for MS Windows ( www.sf.net/projects/pdfcreator ) that installs a "virtual" PDF printer into your system - in fact, if you have any issues with printing, the first troubleshooting step we'll recommend is trying it with PDF Creator and seeing if it works.

Just letting you know that just as PDF can be read in many places, so can it be created.

--Ryan, AbiWord dev and win32 maintainer, AbiWord Community Outreach Project

Hi Ryan,

>> AbiWord (and all other gnomeprint-using applications) has support for PDF export

Absolutely! Yes, good point. Many applications enable PDF export--MS Office is notable for not providing that feature.

Just a belated note: PDFs can do transitions. Check out LaTeX Beamer for more on its capabilities. I don't know if OO.o supports making use of those effects, though.

I've not found any documentation on opening a pdf file using office org. I'm using the windows xp version. While my help files refer to creating pdf, there is no reference to reading pdf. Does that feature exist and if so, how do I activate it?

Hi Alan,

You don't need any office suite, including OpenOffice.org, to read PDFs. Just double-click the PDF and it should open in Adobe Reader, or whatever PDF reader application is installed on your computer. (That's one of the features of PDFs -- the software to open them is already installed on virtually all computers.) You can also open them in a browser.


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