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July 14, 2006


Aha! "What should I do?" was my feeling, My answer used to be "Prayer, Mr. Saavik. The Klingons don't take prisoners." but I guess it was easy all along. I think I'll have to buy this lady's book. Thanks for great tips.


Hi Oscar,

>>>..."Prayer, Mr. Saavik. The Klingons don't take prisoners." but I guess it was easy all along...." >>>

It could also be said that spreadsheet printing is a dish best served cold...or maybe I'm getting my quotes mixed up. :) Anyway, thanks, I'm glad the tips helped.

~ Solveig

Awesome! I didn't know how to make the headers repeat on subsequent pages. That's a very elegant solution! I think I'm going to have to read your blog thoroughly! Thank you!

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