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July 18, 2006


The solution is here:

The short version is:
1. Create your merge document, but don't merge anything.
2. Tools->Mail Merge Wizard
3. Press "7. Personalize document"

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for the comment. I'm interested in this, but tell me more about your short version. I've gone through it (steps 1-3 need to be gone through too and selected/unmarked as necessary). Do you use this approach for letters, labels or C) other? I did the Edit Individual Document approach and it seems like it provides roughly the same benefits as using a template, or copying and pasting.




I used this trick for labels, but I suppose it would work just as well for any merge document. If for example I am merging 400 records with a template of 30 labels per page, I quickly get 14 pages that I can review and edit.

If I don't care to edit the labels, I may instead print to a PDF printer (like PDFCreator on Windows or CUPS PDF on Linux).

>steps 1-3 need to be gone through too and selected/unmarked as necessary

In the Mail Merge Wizard? I don't think so: just clicking part 7 should start the process. If you haven't, read the March 12 comment on Issue Tracker link I posted.

>I did the Edit Individual Document approach

If I remember correctly, that didn't work for me.


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