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May 25, 2006


Way to go Louis! (and Solveig!) And if I remember correctly, I was the one that told you about the toolbars and menus idea. I told you how the SO/OOo group at Yahoo groups offered a downloadable menu and tollbar configuration for OOo 1.x and suggested that the same thing could be done for OOo 2.0. Not trying to steal your thunder. Just trying to humble you a little :P

Whoops! Sorry, Scott--I am soooo humble right now. ;> So let me get this straight, Scott, you're the one who A) didn't tell users much about the transition and B) did the customization to make it look like MS? (Just wondering if I'm muddling two stories.)

Great idea, btw -- whoever does this configuring, it would be great if you decided to share the configuration files.


Your getting it a bit confused. I worked with Louis. When he was first considering the transition I had told him about how I had found a configuration file on Yahoo Groups to change the OOo menus and toolbars to be almost identical to MS Office. He said "really?". That, I'd like to think, was the genesis for his idea to take things in the direction he did. I planted the seed, he grew the tree.


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