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May 08, 2006


"Choose File > Templates > Organize, click and hold down on the Commands button, and choose Update"

Did not work for me in my Linux (Ubuntu), OpenOffice.org 2.0.2 2.0.2-2ubuntu12, Sun May 28, 15:19:48

i copied the files into my home directory/.openoffice.org2/../template
i copied teh file yemplate files into the /usr/lib/.../template and i found file prs-novelty.otp and copied the templates there too. nothing works

Thanks for the tip. Found your place on a Google search and it fixed my problem.

Similar problems with OO 2.02 on kubuntu here. The frustrating thing is that it _was_ working! I was even making tiny updates to the template, saving, and then importing it into the document - and updating everything. It worked like a charm! Then I tried to save as a different name - and stuff started to dissapear from the template selector thing - including the original! The files are still there - just not being seen. AARRRGGHHH!! Tried changing file permissions, owners, location, restarting OO.....nothing.

when you download a template for impress, and it's zipped, how do you get it on impress?

when you download a template for impress, and it's zipped, how do you get it on impress?

to unzip a presentation, find it in your file manager, right-click on it and choose to unzip or extract it.

One way to add it to the template repository is to then start openoffice, open the unzipped presentation file, choose File > Templates > Save, name it and put it in a Presentations category, and click OK.

Is it possible in "Impress" to have one text box open at a time on a slide as the presentation is being done, rather than all 3 text boxes be there when the slide open? Hope this question makes sense? I've been reading all the options and possibilities and can't seem to find how to do it.

Is it possible in "Impress" to have one text box open at a time on a slide as the presentation is being done, rather than all 3 text boxes be there when the slide open? Hope this question makes sense? I've been reading all the options and possibilities and can't seem to find how to do it.

Is it possible in "Impress" to have one text box open at a time on a slide as the presentation is being done, rather than all 3 text boxes be there when the slide open? Hope this question makes sense? I've been reading all the options and possibilities and can't seem to find how to do it.

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