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April 29, 2006


I wish I had know that you were going to be so close. I'm in Louisville KY!!

There's a bunch of readers (well, OK, two ;> ) out in that area--I shoulda had y'all over to the Holiday Inn bar for a post-training drink. Also apparently will have to visit Sam Thai or Thai Sam or something like that next time; I love Thai food and understand that's the best place.


You're referring to Louis. I used to work with him before I changed jobs last year. We had several discussions about OpenOffice.org before I left.

Ah, that's how you know each other. I've seen the conversations between you, of course.

I ran into a former co-author on Kathy Sierra's passionate users blog. Kinda fun, to run into people in a whole new environment.

I really enjoyed the training and I'm only two steps away from conevrting to the dark side(open source). BTW it's Dr. Hobo PhD. I didn't go to 6 hours of hobo college for nothing.

Wesley, you'll always be Dr. Hobo to me. (Not that anyone else is even competing for any sort of Hobo nickname. ;> ) I'm sure you'll get help with those last two steps from your compatriot. ;>


You Wrote,
"This gives you the data entry form tools but you can use them easily for forms that just need to be filled in and printed, or filled in and saved."

How can the forms be printed? Is there any exmaples?

Hi Mansour,

You can print the form when it is filled out as usual -- file > print or click the print icon.

Follow the link for the article on forms and you'll see how to create them.


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