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March 20, 2006


A very good text on the beliefs of computer users is Neal Stephenson's "In The Beginning Was The Command Line". It can be read in http://www.artlung.com/smorgasborg/C_R_Y_P_T_O_N_O_M_I_C_O_N.shtml, among other places easily found on google...

Thanks! I'll check it out.


Okay, I can tell you some of the reasons why I'm not a convinced OpenOffice user (yet).

I'm trying to open some Word2007 files with OpenOffice 2.3, the most up-to-date version, and a Select Filter window comes up and asks me to choose a filter. Word2007 is not listed, and everything else I tried gives an error opening file message. I sat down at my computer to do some writing 45 minutes ago, and here I am writing to you instead. This is frustrating.

Another drawback--am I the only person in love with the Outline feature of Word? the forward/backward arrows, outline view, how easy it is to organize my material. OpenOffice offers meager pickings in this department it seems.

Okay, I can tell you some of the reasons why I'm not a convinced OpenOffice user (yet).

I'm trying to open some Word2007 files with OpenOffice 2.3, the most up-to-date version, and a Select Filter window comes up and asks me to choose a filter. Word2007 is not listed, and everything else I tried gives an error opening file message. I sat down at my computer to do some writing 45 minutes ago, and here I am writing to you instead. This is frustrating.

Another drawback--am I the only person in love with the Outline feature of Word? the forward/backward arrows, outline view, how easy it is to organize my material. OpenOffice offers meager pickings in this department it seems.

Hi Madfan,

Docx formats are a problem for lots of folks, including Word 2003 uses.

Here is a blog listing some things to try when using OpenOffice.org to open docx files.

The outline feature is nice. I'm sure a request has been submitted but I'm not sure if it's on the list for development. It's not quite the same but you might find some benefit from using the Navigator. Press F5. Click on a heading and use the Promote, Demote, Up One Level and Down One Level icons.


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