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March 22, 2006


You can also find templates for Avery labels at http://www.worldlabel.com/Pages/openoffice-template.htm
(Psss, I made the OO templates for worldlabel)


Thanks! Yes, I was so busy with the Word templates angle I forgot to remind folks of the OpenOffice.org templates. ;>

Awesome, I didn't even realize you'd be able to use MSO templates.

Just a quick note to say "thanks" for taking the time to put all this information up. I have been searching the net for help in getting my fledgling business organised and your tutorials over at techtarget.com have been a great help too, though my poor sinusitis affected brain is struggling to retain info at the moment. :)

Hi Ian,

I'm so glad they help! Good luck with that sinusitis. ;>


Hi Xeelee,

Yeah, I sometimes forget about the templates aspect so I like to remind myself and anyone who will listen ;> . If you're going to incorporate a bunch of MS templates so you can just point to them in OpenOffice.org, you do have to do a little work, as I mentioned in the post--convert them first to OOo format then point to them under Tools > Options > OpenOffice.org > Paths. But it's not too complicated. It's at the end of the Templates blog.


I am just wondering how to open a Publisher file in Writer/Draw since there is no proper filter installed in my OpenOffice 2.1 (Mac). If you know the answer please let me know.


Hi Tico,

Sorry; there is no way to open Publisher files in any other program. Microsoft didn't write it in a format that would transfer nicely.


Thank you very much for this...especially the postcard tutorial.

Have a great day.

postcard marketing is a powerful advertising tool. You just have to make it more personalized. The design and layout should be attractive so the the prospects won't throw it right away.

Thanks alot. I'm a design student at begineer level this post would help me alot. Thanks.

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