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February 16, 2006


So, does this work on files other than OpenOffice ones?


Hi Miguel,
>> So, does this work on files other than OpenOffice ones?

Good point--I didn't emphasize that. Yep, it works with HTML, Word, Excel, Calc, .txt, etc. I can't verify double-verify that right now since I've got the bug noted, on my desktop, and my laptop is running a very long defrag but the dialog box allows you to specify Microsoft files, OpenOffice.org files, graphics, and All Files.


The PDF format is today the universal standard to share and broadcast electronic documents. Easy Pdf Converter helps you to convert in a few seconds your documents (maps, proposals, reports, notes...) into light and protected PDF files.


Well, I gave it a try on FC5 and openoffice 2.0 but not luck! I tried converting a Microsoft .doc file but it didint' work using the wizard. contents directory was empty :(
But the same file is convertable if I click on the button "convert to pdf" fromt he toolbar of openoffice... strange!

your description is so clearly that I want to have a try.and I do like to recommend one software that you can convert BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, PCX, TGA, TIF, JPEG2000 and Adobe Photoshop PSD to BMP, TIF, TIFF, GIF, JPG,that is,
AVD Batch Converter,http://www.qweas.com/download/graphics/image_converters/avd_batch_converter.htm
have a good time!

Ok.thanks lily.www.qweas.com, The website can search software features a
discount price to facilitate inquiries.

Thanks for this it has help me tremendously. Just so everyone knows I tried to convert about 80 PPT files all at once and it crashed OpenOffice. I then switched to do 10-15 at a time and that worked better. I guess this could have been a system issue as well as the computer I did this one was only a 2.4ghz.

Thanks for this. You are certainly a valuable source of help.

I am trying to convert and html document created in google to a pdf. I took the html code for the document and saved it as an .html file and then tried to run this wizard. I had to tell it where to find my java which requires a restart of openoffice. That seems to have worked (using kubuntu). But then when I go through the wizard, I get to step 2. Document and the drop down for Export File Format has only one option: Original file format. I wanted PDF. Is there a trick, something I need to install perhaps, that will add the options I need?

Do you want to have a good music software? please try this software Fx Magic Music,
Fx Magic Music is a useful Windows audio converter and player that can convert to and from many of the most popular Windows sound formats, play most Windows audio format files with the integrated player.
you can find it here http://www.qweas.com/download/audio_mp3/audio_editors/fx_magic_music.htm

Thanks for this. You are certainly a valuable source of help.

wow super thanks for this! really really great help! wooohoooo!

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